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Migrating to v6

This guide explains how and why to migrate from MUI System v5 to v6.

Start using the alpha release

In the package.json file, change the package version from latest to next.

-"@mui/system": "latest",
+"@mui/system": "next",

Using next ensures your project always uses the latest v6 alpha release. Alternatively, you can also target and fix it to a specific version, for example, 6.0.0-alpha.0.

Breaking changes

Since v6 is a new major release, it contains some changes that affect the public API. The steps you need to take to migrate from MUI System v5 to v6 are described below.

Root code is now ESM

The ESM code, previously under the esm/ build, has been moved to the root of the package. The CommonJS code, previously on the root, has been moved to the node/ build.

GridProps type

The cssGrid function's GridProps type has been renamed to CssGridProps. This is to avoid collision with the GridProps type corresponding to the Grid component props.