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Toolpad Core - Tutorial

Learn how to use Toolpad Core through an illustrative example dashboard.


  1. To choose a project name and create a basic project for this tutorial, run:
npx create-toolpad-app@latest --example core-tutorial
  1. To start the basic project on http://localhost:3000, run:
cd <project-name>
npm install && npm run dev
  1. The following splash screen appears:
Toolpad Core entry point

Starting with Toolpad Core

  1. The app has two pages already created in a dashboard layout, with routing, breadcrumbs and theming already set up:

Create a new page

  1. To add a new page and make it appear in the sidebar navigation, create a new folder within the (dashboard) directory titled page-2 and add the following content to page.tsx inside it:
import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <Typography variant="h6" color="grey.800">
      This is page 2!
  1. Add the newly created page to the sidebar navigation by adding the following code to the navigation items array in app/layout.tsx:
// Add the following import:
import TimelineIcon from '@mui/icons-material/TimelineIcon';

// ...

const NAVIGATION: Navigation = [
  // Add the following new item:
    segment: 'page-2',
    title: 'Page 2',
    icon: <TimelineIcon />,

The newly created page can now be navigated to from the sidebar, like the following: