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Imperative APIs to open and interact with dialogs.

Toolpad Core offers a set of abstractions that makes interacting with dialogs simpler. It has an imperative API to open and close dialogs, and allows dialogs to be stacked on top of each other.

First thing you need to do is install the DialogsProvider at the root of your application.

import { DialogsProvider } from '@toolpad/core/useDialogs';

function App({ children }) {
  return <DialogsProvider>{children}</DialogsProvider>;

To get access to the dialogs API you first have to call the useDialogs hook.

import { useDialogs } from '@toolpad/core/useDialogs';

function MyApp() {
  const dialogs = useDialogs();
  // ...

Basic dialog

Dialogs are React components that taken open and onClose properties and return a Dialog component. The open property reflects the open state of the dialog and you can call the onClose handler to close it.

function MyCustomDialog({ open, onClose }: DialogProps) {
  return (
    <Dialog fullWidth open={open} onClose={() => onClose()}>
      <DialogTitle>Custom dialog</DialogTitle>
      <DialogContent>I am a custom dialog</DialogContent>
        <Button onClick={() => onClose()}>Close me</Button>

Now you can call the function and pass the component as a first parameter.

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With dialog payload

You can pass a payload to the dialog with the second parameter. The payload stays constant for the lifetime of the dialog.

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With dialog result

A dialog can return a value with the onClose handler. The promise returned by the open method is resolved with the value that was passed to onClose.

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Stacked dialogs

Dialogs can be stacked. A dialog can open other another dialog which comes to the foreground upon opening. Closing the latter reveals the former again.

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System dialogs

Toolpad comes with a set of system dialogs that improve on the native window.alert, window.confirm, and window.prompt APIs. These APIs are very similar, but they create dialogs that follow your application theme.


Analog to window.alert it opens a dialog with a message for the user. The only action to be taken is to acknowledge the message after which the dialog closes. The dialog title and button text are customizable with the title and okText properties.

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Analog to window.confirm it opens a dialog with a question for the user. The user can either confirm or cancel and the dialog result is a boolean which is true when the user confirmed. The dialog title and button texts are customizable with the title, okText, and cancelText properties.

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Analog to window.prompt it opens a dialog inquiring the user for some input text. The user can fill the input box and upon confirmation the promise returned from the prompt call is resolved with its value. The dialog title and button texts are customizable with the title, okText, and cancelText properties.

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See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.